COVID-19 Update

April 7, 2021
Woodbine Horse People,
I think it is important to clarify our current circumstances with regard to COVID-19 on the backstretch at Woodbine. We have confirmed that two individuals who work on the Woodbine backstretch and one Woodbine Entertainment security guard have tested positive for COVID-19 over the past two weeks. These cases are unrelated, and all three individuals are doing well and currently in isolation. We can also confirm that there has not been any on-site transmission of the virus.
As part of our COVID-19 Prevention Protocols, our Health and Safety Committee quickly performed thorough contact tracing and determined that there were no further exposure risks identified. Two of the individuals who have tested positive have spouses who work on other areas of the backstretch. They are also in isolation and through contact tracing it has been determined that there were no further exposure risks to others.
While this situation is currently under control, I cannot stress enough that everyone needs to be following all COVID-19 Prevention Protocols and answering the COVID-19 screening questions truthfully. Please be reminded that anyone found to be in violation is subject to severe penalties, including monetary fines and suspension from the property. If people are not forthright, then a serious health risk for others is being created and it is also jeopardizing our ability to operate live racing, which further impacts people’s opportunity to earn a living.
We all have a responsibility to keep each other safe. We have experienced excellent compliance over the past year and it is critical that everyone continues to do their part and comply with the protocols in all respects.
It is expected that a Province-wide “stay-at-home” order will be announced this afternoon. Such an order is very likely to have an impact on our ability to commence live racing on schedule. We are currently working through the implications for both our racing and training programs and following the announcement, we will issue a statement this afternoon regarding our programs.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing cooperation and understanding.
Jim Lawson
CEO, Woodbine Entertainment