Equine Guelph Survey: HAVE YOUR SAY!

December 4, 2020
Equine Guelph needs to know what YOU need to know and is calling on you to participate in the Ontario Horse Racing Industry Survey. We all know that a healthy horse is a top performer and Equine Guelph wants to help you achieve maximum health for your racehorses and the best results on the track.
After launching its two-year “Training Pilot Project for the Ontario Horse Racing Industry”, offering online courses in industry-identified priority areas like respiratory, lameness and gut health, Equine Guelph needs to hear from you again. What is next?
So far, Equine Guelph has received 40 surveys with a goal of 300. The survey consists of 20 questions and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It will remain open until January 20. At the end of the questionnaire, participants will have the chance to enter a draw for $50 Tim Horton cards (10 prizes available). Survey results will be released to the Ontario horse racing industry.
Over 850 stakeholders from the industry registered for Equine Guelph’s free online courses over the last two years. Whether you took a course or not, have your say! Take the Ontario Horse Racing Industry Survey today!