Horsemen: Avoid substances recently banned by HISA, including supplements claiming to mitigate bleeding, ulcers etc.
January 31, 2024
Horsemen: We want to make sure everyone has seen the recent announcement from HIWU which reminds Covered Persons, including horsemen and veterinarians, of the following regulations under HISA’s Anti-Doping and Medication Control (ADMC) Program in regard to foreign, unapproved and/or compounded products:
• Products that are legally manufactured outside the United States must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be permitted domestically. For example, Clotol, a Canadian medication used to mitigate bleeding, is not approved by the FDA and is therefore a Banned Substance under the ADMC Program.
• The compounding of products intended to mimic foreign medications that are not approved in the United States, e.g., Hemo-15, is prohibited.
• The use of compounded products requires medical justification, which must be recorded in the Covered Horse’s medical record and uploaded to the HISA portal.
• Dietary supplements with drug claims on the label, e.g., “treats ulcers,” “mitigates bleeding,” or “prevents tying up,” are, per the FDA, Unapproved, New Animal drugs and are thus categorized as Banned Substances by HISA.
We urge caution if these substances are used, and where possible, alternatives should be found. The presence, administration, possession or trafficking of a Banned Substance is considered an Anti-Doping Rule Violation. Please note we have consulted with NAARV and their counsel has questioned HISA/HIWU about the legal compounding of Hemo-15 and Clotol and HISA General Counsel was unable to produce a specific section in regulations actually banning these substances. Instead of pointing to their regulations, they directed NAARV counsel to the FDA’s Guidance for Industry on Compounding (GFI 256) which actually indicated the legal mean by which compounded medications may be used.
Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that HIWU seized some Yunnan Bai Yao and it was tested. The test showed the presence of higenamine, a banned substance. Higenamine was not listed in the product’s ingredients. It is important to remember, there is unquantifiable risk in the use of herbal products in horses in a regulated racing environment.
We have been informed that a positive test result stemming from the presence of a Prohibited Substance in a supplement will be prosecuted by HIWU as an ADMC Program violation regardless of whether or not the product label listed the Prohibited Substance as an ingredient.
We must continue to caution against changes such as these, and we must continue to be the voice of reason keeping what is in the best interest of equine health and welfare.