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Important Information – Returning to Woodbine from outside Ontario

February 23, 2021

To all Woodbine Horse People,

Last week the Government of Ontario announced an extension of the stay-at-home order for the Toronto region.

Under these restrictions, the training and timed works of horses is permitted. As such, the Woodbine Backstretch has opened as planned.

Key dates for the opening of the Woodbine Backstretch and Racing Season are as follows:

Monday, February 22 – Backstretch opens for set-up

Wednesday, February 24 – Horses begin shipping in

Thursday, February 25 – Sand Ring and Training Track open (weather permitting)

March – Main Track opens (weather permitting, and date TBC based on spring thaw)

Saturday, April 17 – Opening Day

In addition to the opening of the backstretch, it is important that you review the following which concerns the Return to Woodbine from outside of Ontario, regarding both People and Horses.

Returning from Outside the Province of Ontario

  • Inter-Provincial Travel
  • For inter-provincial travelling horse people/employees, there will be a requirement for the individual to complete a 10-day self-quarantine, unless a negative COVID test document is provided.  The COVID test must be taken in Ontario, on or after the 4th day after arrival in Ontario.  Horse-people/employee will not be permitted to enter any WEG premises until they present the negative COVID document, on or after 4 days of arrival in Ontario or after the 10th day of quarantine. On the 11th day, they will be permitted onto the property as long as they are symptom free, including free from fever reducing medication, per the normal screening process.
  • Traveling from the US
  • Horse-people/employees arriving from the USA will be required to follow all Immigration Canada rules which is currently includes a 14-day quarantine and will be permitted onto WEG grounds on the 15th day.  For any horse person arriving from the USA who secures and presents a ‘quarantine exemption’ document, will be required by WEG to take a COVID test no sooner than the 4th day of arrival in Ontario.  Once a negative result is confirmed, the horse-person/employee will be permitted onto WEG property by presentation of the test result document. For extreme clarity, only horse people or employees who present a newly minted ‘quarantine exemption’ document from Canadian immigrations are eligible for this exception.   
  • Proof will be required by each person in the form of a boarding pass, border crossing or anything that shows the date of return to Canada. Once Security has that date, a COVID-19 Form will be filled out by the Security management and the 14-day self-isolation period will begin from date of reentry (pending documented proof)
  • Anyone returning from the US will not be permitted into the stable area or dormitory and must self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days before access into the stable area
  • Anyone traveling from the US and who refuses to follow established protocols will be issued a mandatory trespass from the property without exception.
  • Traveling from overseas
  • The horse person will contact Security via phone and will supply them with the following information, name, date of return, contact info, Barn Number, License Number and Occupation. They will also advise what Country they are coming from.
  • Proof will be required by each person in the form of a boarding pass, border crossing or anything that shows the date of return to Canada. Once Security has that date, a COVID-19 Form will be filled out by the Security management and the 14-day self-isolation period will begin from date of reentry (pending the proof)
  • Anyone returning from overseas will not be permitted into the stable area or dormitory and must self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days before access into the stable area and must provide a negative COVID test, which they must wait for 10 days into the Quarantine before getting tested

*Messages can be left of Sr. Manager Robert Jordan extension and at the earliest convenience, Robert will contact the person to ask the questions and supply a Self-Isolation Date*

Horses shipping in from USA and out of Ontario – Mandatory Unloading of Horse Vans at South Sales Barns

Please make arrangements minimum 1 day in advance of arrival with Tim Lawson, Mgr Racing Development & Stabling Operations or call the Stabling Office.

  • Any horse vans arriving from the USA or out of Province, must follow the protocol as outlined below:
  • All Horse Vans will be instructed to call their respective Trainer/Assistant to advise on estimated time of arrival to Woodbine.
  • Trainer/Assistant will call the Security Gate with no less than 30 minutes before arrival in order to provide for adequate time to open the South Sales Gate. All vans will drive to the area near the location of the ramp and will stop there to allow horses to off load.
  • After the Van arrives, drivers will be permitted to open van doors and remove barriers for horses to be off loaded.  Only essential and screened personnel from Trainer’s staff can off load horses and take directly to assigned barn.
  • All paperwork will be handed to Trainers. It must be in a clear package, sealed so that the package may be disinfected before access to papers. Trainers’ staff will use proper PPE.
  • Any equipment that is accompanied from out of province must be kept to a minimum and must, must be offloaded immediately in this area and disinfected as quickly as possible, prior to entry to backstretch.
  • Once horses are fully off loaded, the van will close up immediately, depart the South Sales area and leave the property. Security personnel will clear the area and lock the gate.
  • NO vans arriving from USA or out of province will be allowed to access the backstretch for any reason or circumstance without prior approval from Security Lead.


Jessica Buckley

SVP, Standardbred & Thoroughbred Racing

Woodbine Entertainment