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April 22, 2021

Any backstretch worker who has come in contact with someone who has been sick or is showing symptoms themselves MUST report it to the HBPA or Woodbine. The reporting will be confidential.

People that are sick, must NOT come into work. It is imperative that any worker sick or showing symptoms stay home.

Trainers, because staff are your employees and therefore your responsibility, we need to be able to rely on you to update and report the illness of any staff member to the HBPA or Woodbine. Horsepeole reporting illness in fellow workers will not be identified.

As a member said to me last night these new variants are highly contagious. As a community we need to have each other’s backs and help one another get through this as positives continue to rise on the backside. Please help your neighbours if you can because all of us are at risk and please help stop the spread by promptly and accurately reporting illness.