Memo to Members – Racing Update

November 22, 2020
Dear Members,
Both the HBPA and Woodbine have been communicating with the Provincial Government to determine if we can continue to race the remaining days of our meet.
The fact is the same people training the horses are racing the horses.
This is a big ask of Government considering the continued spread of COVID in the general population and the many businesses they must consider. It appears we will not receive a definitive answer today.
We ask that you please be patient before making the decision to start shipping your horses off the grounds; especially if there are races in the book that you were planning to enter. The HBPA and WEG are working in unison to do all we can to sway Government to let us complete our meet.
Once we have a final decision – we will communicate to you immediately.
In the meantime, please continue all the very important COVID-19 protocols so we keep everyone safe and healthy.
Yours Truly,
Sue Leslie
HBPA President