Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program
February 23, 2022
Attn Trainers:
We are looking for employers willing to hire recent graduates of the Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program. This is an 8-week virtual course, which open to anyone interested in starting a career in the Equine Industry. Student’s experience with horse can vary, and some will have none.
For Employers who hire the students, there are subsidies up to:
- 2 weeks full pay ($15/hour for 40 hours)
- 4 weeks of partial pay ($250)
- $1000 compensation for Employer training participants at placements – this last compensation to be approved before being granted
For interested employers there is paperwork to be completed. https://www.ontarioequineeducation.com/
The business needs a proper business/tax number and a proper payroll with Canada Pension and Employment Insurance deductions
Workplace must pass an inspection to ensure that it meets all the current Workplace Standards
For more information, contact:
Corinne Phillips – HBPA 416-675-3802 or cep@hbpa.on.ca