August Updates

August 14, 2020
TSN – Racing Night Live
Tonight, is the inauguration of Racing Night Live on TSN. For the next 13 weeks (June 11th to September 3rd) every Thursday night from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on TSN4, TSN5, TSN3, TSN1 and/or TSN2 there will be live racing. The two-hour show will showcase three thoroughbred races from Woodbine Racetrack and three standardbred races from Woodbine Mohawk Park. The HBPA is a proud contributor to the Racing Night Live production. Our goal is to have live racing remain on TSN well pass the 13 weeks. In order to do this, we must have large viewership numbers. We ask all members, backstretch workers, your friends and family to tune in tonight and every Thursday. This will be the first live broadcast of a sporting competition taking place in Canada since the COVID-19 ceased all sport entertainment. Don’t forget to place your bet while watching the program on HPIbet or check out the recently launched app Dark Horse, available on iTunes and Google Play.
The Board of the HBPA would like to thank you and congratulate all Owners
and Trainers for your incredible participation the first couple weeks of racing. Opening weekend at Woodbine had lots of races with terrific field size. Fort Erie, despite EHV-1, assembled a good card and had extremely strong wagering. Hats off to both race offices as well. We value your commitment to Ontario racing and look forward to continuing the season just as strong as we started.
Social Distancing Rules Still Stand
Even though the racing season has officially started, we remind ALL
backstretch workers that now more than ever we must continue to be vigilant with ongoing social distancing requirements and wearing mandatory face masks. Backstretch workers are not to go barn to barn and to kept at least 6 feet between you and your friend, co-worker, or employee while in the barn or on the rail. Frequent thorough hand washing cannot be done enough – remind your friends and neighbors to do so. Trainers be strong leaders of your team with gentle reminders daily of the requirements. Please continue to abide by the rules and protocols already in place and follow all safety measures so you remain healthy. Those of us in leadership roles need your help and support to continue racing.